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All the cells in our bodies work electrically and magnetically just as the eyes see light waves, the ears hear sound waves, the heart is a electromagnetic pumping system and the brain and nervous system is the electromagnetic HQ of the body. Most people have no idea we are electrical beings so therefore the whole agenda with 5g, electro poisoning, smart tech and so on is not understood and is brushed over as some conspiracy theory. Lack of knowledge is the destruction of this last generation of people as we have no idea that we are resonant beings aligned to work in harmony with the laws of nature which are the laws of God. The Schuman resonance of the earth which is found in natural settings and not in cities compliments the electrical negative ions released from the ground of the earth for those who like to be grounded. The negative ions, essential oil fragrances, fresh pure oxygen of natural living in rural settings is the exact opposite to the New World Disorder Agenda 21 - 30. Transhumanism and the merging of tech with biology in a slave type environment in prison cities while being exposed to 5g,6g,7g - Blue Light - Nano Poisons in Air - Fake Food - Nano Medicine and son on. Welcome to the New Age of Satanism where right is wrong & wrong is right. Any wired or wireless device that works by electromagnetic signals ---> Wifi 2.4ghz - All smart meters - All Smart Tech - Laptops - Tvs - Mobile Phones - Electrical Masts - Mobile Masts, 3g-4g-5g-6g, Blue Artificial Light, Laser based technologies, Nano Based Technologies and many other forms of poisoning. The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of all electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency and wavelength. The sun, earth, and other bodies radiate electromagnetic energy of varying wavelengths. Electromagnetic energy passes through space at the speed of light in the form of sinusoidal waves.