Natural Hair Dye, Turn Gray Beard Black - Only Two Ingredients!

ivriblack Photo

1 year 48 Views
How to naturally dye your gray hair black with No Chemicals! I will show you how to dye your hair and beard black only using plants. Using Henna and Indigo! Only two ingredients. 100% all Natural plants. Follow this step by step tutorial. This natural hair dye will turn your grey or white hair black.
The hair dye can also be used for men and women.

How to get rid of gray hair the natural way!

Henna and Indigo powder comes from dried out plant leaves that are ground up into a powder. The powder is then mixed with water to create the dye for your hair. Once made, the natural hair dye can be used for your hair or beard.

This hair dye is all natural and contains no chemicals but still perform a skin test to make sure you do not have any reactions to the Henna or Indigo before you dye the hair.

Here is a link to the henna & indigo I used: