Gates Funded Factory Breeds 30 Million Mosquitos Per Week for Release in 11 Countries

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1 year 26 Views

"The mosquitoes being produced in this factory carry bacteria called Wolbachia that block them from transmitting dengue and other viruses, such as Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever, to humans. By releasing them to reproduce with wild mosquitoes, they spread the bacteria, reducing virus transmission and protecting millions of people from illnesses." Interestingly, these are the same viruses Ivermectin was shown to treat... 


Ivermectin Studies:


my two cents:
from the video at 01:33:
"We're wanting to do the next step of sorting, sorting the males from the females.  We want to do that so we can manipulate the sex ratio in the cages to be more female than male."'s the females that bite and cause "disease"...
this quote:
"Although marketed as a 'non-GM strategy', artificially infecting mosquitoes with Wolbachia clearly falls under the GM umbrella, as over 1,500 genes (the entire bacterial genome) have been transferred from the original fruit fly host into the mosquitoes."
and this quote:
"Preliminary dengue control results from these releases in Australia have been promising. However, control of the disease in other release areas with higher disease risk, such as South America and Asia, still needs to be determined, particularly as some studies have demonstrated that Wolbachia can sometimes increase pathogen infection in mosquitoes rather than suppress it."
link to mosquito website: