Dr Jennifer Daniels - Malnutrition, Dehydration, and Poor Elimination Are At the Root of Most Diseas

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1 year 65 Views

Show highlights: What are the virtues of the plank exercise vs. the Copenhagen version? Dr. Daniels demonstrates. Most diseases are due to parasitic infections. Plus malnutrition, dehydration, not enough poops. Is Covid due to a common source outbreak, rather than a contagion spread person-to-person? What causes breast lumps? Emailer has sciatica, Dr. Daniels blames gelatin. Use pig tails/feet or chicken feet. How to help painful periods? Caller has exhaustion, is it Lyme? High blood pressure, abdominal aneurysm, chronic heart failure – what to do? Is mad cow disease real? Is there a bioweapon that’s been released? How is that related to the loss of the value of money? Government making Covid medical decisions with no basis of evidence. What to do for bad knees with no cartilage? Can Ivermectin be used for Covid symptoms? Does horse paste work or tablets only? How can droppy breasts be helped? Upright posture, pectoral exercises, ham hocks. Can we cleanse the blood naturally? Search on Strong Water Bitters. How to help COPD? Using turpentine and NAC. How to help cold feet? What to do for numb toes? Dr. Daniels demonstrates stretches for foot flexibility. Can a family of 3 children with Gitelman Syndrome be helped? How to stop burping 50 times a day? Do I need to worry about a worker in my home shedding from his second Covid jab? What are the problems with taking digestive enzymes? What to do if someone’s had one Covid injection? Flu like symptoms, 104 fever – -what to do? Take castor oil.

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