Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 17, 2022, # 371 ( Dane Wigington )

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1 year 8 Views

Seventy percent of Pakistan's primary food crops have been wiped you by unprecedented weather catastrophe. In countless countries crop production is being drastically reduced from the same factor, weather. Fisheries around the world are simultaneously collapsing. How long till food store shelves empty out? Even now the majority of populations in industrialized nations are only focused on politics, the stock market, sports and the price of gas. How much will any of that matter when there is nothing left to eat? The "green energy" lobbyists claim their technologies can save us, but that is just another deception designed to pacify populations till the moment of impact. What happens now? All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count.Â