Why the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA Injections are stored at -40C and -90C

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Why the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA Injections are stored at -40C and -90C. The epic global effort to develop a mRNA Injection has been unmatched in its scale, speed, and scientific advances. Now a mRNA Injection for the disease, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, is on the verge of being rolled out worldwide under an emergency use authorization by the Food and Drug Administration. But the mRNA Injection's potential to provide immunity to the broader population is now threatened by a massive logistical hurdle in actually getting it to people safely: keeping the mRNA Injection doses cold. mRNA Injections are fragile drugs that demand strict temperature controls lest they spoil. And they spoil a lot. According to the World Health Organization, about half of the mRNA Injections distributed around the world go to waste, in large part because of a failure to properly control storage temperatures.