Neom’s “The Line” – City of the Dead..

ivriblack Photo

1 year 15 Views

As its website boasts, Neom will be a “living laboratory, home to the brightest minds, dedicated to the sanctity of all life on earth.” A living laboratory? Absolutely. The sky-high structure that allows the inhabitants to look out at the expanse of desert beyond will also be the structure that seals them in and allows the gods to observe them. Hmm, what does that remind me of? I know, an ant farm. One million lost souls will be stuffed one on top of the other in this prototype City of the Dead, serving their masters who will never let them out from under a microscope.


my two cents:

Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030: "equity", "sustainable housing", and "sustainable development" for "human settlements"...plant people away from their own open land and stack them into buildings with no privacy and no real ability to move about without strictest control measures and no real means to attain wealth because everyone will be on UBI (Universal Basic Income).

notice on the housing infographic in the link below that the 90% in blue is what they want to change by 2030 because the 10% in black is already being taken down (US, Canada, Western Europe, Australia)...

From the world bank:

"The housing challenge the world is facing today is likely to persist with six out of every ten people expected to reside in urban areas by 2030. Over 90 per cent of this growth will take place in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. It is estimated that the struggle to obtain adequate and affordable housing could affect at least 1.6 billion people globally  within a decade."