Stunning new accusations levelled against Robert Malone by investigative journalist George Webb

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1 year 22 Views

Dare we sum this up as "beware of the MAL-one-FORMED 'debate'"? Jane Ruby (PhD) has been doing some very good work lately, and the info presented by George Webb on Malone's massive and undisclosed involvement in the company called Alchem is a real bombshell. It turns out that Alchem was involved in deliberate fine-tuning of the corona bioweapon in ways that would enable it to gradually destroy/dysregulate the immune system. Moreover, Malone and Alchem and others were involved in the invention of new vaping devices, and in the creation of inhalable (!!) vaccines, and Malone was also instrumental in the unleashing of the injection campaign (and the rejection of Ivermectin and HCQ). All this according to Webb. Yet now Mal-One has suddenly become one of the "leaders" of the truth- and freedom-movement.Â