How I Reversed 5 Cavities in 3 Months

ivriblack Photo

11 months 32 Views

19:40 coconut oil pulling 

21:35 essential oils Coriander, Rosemary leaf, Broom Weed, Cinamon, (Oregano).

Done only for short period, not to kill off good bacteria. alternate between plain coconut oil and coconut/essential oil mixture. 1 week on/1 week off

26:41 Antibacterial mouthwash after a meal

27:51 good dental habbits, brush your teeths, scrap your tounge

29:20 make your teeth strong: Minerals, vegetables, juicing,

40:43 Dr. Weston A. Price,

45:50 Vitamin D, calcium, vitD 6600-7100 IUs daily for 8 weeks

01:07:22 grape juice (natural fluoride)

grape seed extract