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Nancy Smith Schaefer (28 June 1936 – 26 March 2010) was an American politician and conservative legislator who served in the Georgia State Senate from 2004 to 2008.

my two cents:

We can thank Bill and Hillary Clinton ('Haiti Hillary') for this nightmare foster care system we currently have...
Hillary was the driving force behind the Adoption and Safe Families Act (there's that word "safe" again like "safe and effective") and Bill signed it into law in 1997.
As a result of this law, securing children away from families has become a budgetary line for most states.  The poorer the state, the higher the budgetary line for stealing children and tearing apart families based upon "anonymous" phone calls and false accusations where the parents lose their rights without a trial by jury through corrupt, lying, and demonic social workers, police officers, psychiatrists, pharmaceutical industry, and judges who work to continue the system of placing stolen children in situations worse than what the parents were accused of and the children are forgotten and left to suffer in a state-sanctioned hell with predators who feast upon children.  Many times children who are actually being abused in their homes are ignored by this wicked system and left to stay in the abusive household.  Black children are the highest number of casualties in this demonic system.
Child trafficking, rape, drug addiction, molestation, child sacrifice, and disappearances have exponentially increased in this country as a direct result of this wicked law.  There is a dollar sign and a for sale sign placed on every child born or brought into this wicked country for 25+ years.  Even immigration is an excuse for child trafficking...all of the people who pass through the Southern border, a good percent are unaccompanied minors who are trafficked through CPS and "disappear".  
I often wonder if signing the Adoption and Safe Families Act AND establishing the Presidential Council on Sustainable Development (Agenda 21...another nickname for Satan) were the sole reasons Bill Clinton was selected to become the 42nd POTUS.