The Lost History Of Flat Earth ~ EPIC EAWR Channel compilation

ivriblack Photo

1 year 46 Views
update june 22nd 2021 : EAWR Channel already nuked!
excellent new series from the creator channel that created the amazing "what on earth happened" mega series (that was totally nuked by YOUTUBE). presents Mudflood / Reset theory and our ancient past in a sobering dry British manner that needs to be witnessed to be "scene" this is parts 1 -7 from current channel videos compiled into one convenient video. not a flat earther? no worries, this isnt specifically about such. any open minded heliocentric model believer will find quality information here.
anyone who wants to download the 1080 version of this , it is 3.6gb #AKSX3O0b2MufdSrsyMWAVDuRVGJIdMEh6GjpPUC3IL8