Was SOUND Used to Construct Ancient MEGALITHS on Earth?

ivriblack Photo

1 year 11 Views

From the manipulation of gravitational fields to the electromagnetic ties of consciousness, professionals agree most ancient megaliths are aligned with “frequency nodes,” much like planetary chakra points. Top researchers and experts weigh in on potential sound technologies used to create structures like The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, plus Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza in Mexico. Through examinations of these legendary structures, explore the vibrational nature of our universe. 


my two cents:

at 08:53:
"All of these are nodal points on a web or matrix of energy across the earth's surface that in the ancient traditions of the west was referred to as the 'Net' and the people of ancient Egypt knew how to work with this vibrational matrix were literally called, in the documents from ancient Egypt, 'The Masters of the Net'".

sounds like today's internet with cell towers and undersea cable lines